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How To make Chilled Sonoma Tomato Vegetable Soup


16 ripe tomatoes, blanched, peeled and seeded
4 English cucumbers, peeled and seeded
4 large red bell peppers, seeded
2 stalks celery
1/2 medium onion
1 small jalapeno pepper, cored, seeded and

chopped fine
1 Serrano pepper. cored, seeded and :

chopped fine
1/2 cup tomato juice
7 tablespoons sherry wine vinegar
6 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and freshly ground pepper and cayenne pepper to taste 1/4 cup chopped mixed fresh herbs (Italian
parsley, chives, cilantro and tarragon
1. Cut tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, celery and onion into 1-inch pieces. Place in a stainless-steel bowl along with jalapeno and Serano chilies. Add tom ato juice, vinegar and olive oil. Season lightly with salt and peppers. Cover a nd refrigerate overnight, stirring occasionally.
2. Place the mixture in a food processor and mince until the vegetables are fin e but still have some texture to them. Return the mixture to a bowl, add the ch opped herbs and to a bowl, add the chopped herbs and correct the seasonings to taste. Chill and serve in ice-cold bowls.

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